Tom Aspinall - UFC Heavyweight - Hard Graft Podcast Episode 1
Finally, we actually got around to launching this long promised podcast! And what a time to do so, order out of chaos and all that. We can only apologise for the fact that it took a global pandemic and a government lockdown for us to actually get down to it, but here we are. With this we hope to help stem the boredom and keep you sane and occupied amidst and throughout this odd time in human history, with a plan to continue onward once we can all return to some kind of normality.
Hard Graft Podcast Episode 1: UFC Heavyweight Tom Aspinall.
Tom Aspinall is a professional MMA competitor, pro boxer and Brazillian jiu-jitsu blackbelt. He currently fights in the UFC and represents Kaobon Gym in Liverpool.
I have personally known Big Tom for around 3 years or so now as he and his dad Andy happen to teach me Brazillian Jiu-jitsu at their academy Aspinall BJJ. He started grappling and training in martial arts at a really young age and was training and sparring with grown men really early on. So for him it was a natural progression under the guidance of his Dad and Kaobon coach Colin Heron to also train in multiple striking arts and then decide to take the leap, stepping into the cage to compete in first amateur then professional mixed martial arts.
Tom also had a stint boxing in the Fury camp and still spars with Hughie Fury on a regular basis.
In this episode we discuss his passion for competing in MMA and his passion and love of fighting, what it's like to share the ring with Tyson Fury and we even dip our toes into some 5G conspiracy theories.
One thing that people like Tom remind you is to never judge a book by it's cover, as Tom is perhaps one of the calmest, most approachable people I know but in the cage he is a different animal all together. In fact if it wasn't for his 6' 5" built-like-a-brick-shithouse stature and cauliflower ears, you sometimes could probably forget he was a fighter at all! All in all, he is perhaps what you would call a true martial artist in that he's technical, always well prepared, never underestimates his opponent and always shows respect regardless of the outcome.
We hope you enjoy the launch episode as much as we did.
Please check out Tom via his social media channels:
Instagram: https://www.instagram.com/tomaspinall93 ( @tomaspinall93 )
Facebook: https://www.facebook.com/tomaspinallmma
And also be sure to checkout all of Toms fights and highlights via YouTube: https://www.youtube.com/results?search_query=tom+aspinall+mma
Also anyone looking to learn BJJ in the North West of England come visit http://www.aspinallbjj.com/